Secret Boss
Email (private & confidential)
Dear employee,
Recently our IT Director had a new software installed on the company network that monitors and logs all internet searches and flags up access to any adult websites.
It would appear your name is on this week's report. Friday will see this information being passed to your departmental head and I am sure this will result in a disciplinary hearing.
Lucky for you though, I am privy to this report and so the only one who currently knows about this. Given the content of what you were looking at, it is possible we can come to some arrangement whereby your details could be somehow removed. That is, I am prepared to keep this our very own little secret, as long as you do exactly as I say.
The fact is, I like secrets, especially when they belong to naughty little boys, the weak minded amongst you who from the sight of us office females in our short skirts and high heels, you are drawn to search out and sneakily peak at inappropriate imagery on the office computers.
I see you specifically have been viewing images of lowly male creatures on their knees under the desks of their female superiors, kneeling at their feet and waiting to be called to serve.
Rather than waiting for the email calling you to a disciplinary hearing, I strongly suggest you reply (via here) pleading your case, confessing these misdemeanours and begging for my assistance in this matter, whatever it is that I require of you. A hint is in the sign off of this email.
Secret Boss